Technical Reference


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Author: ScopeLift (opens in a new tab)

A dead-simple contract whose only purpose is to hold governance tokens on behalf of users while delegating voting power to one specific delegatee. This is needed because a single address can only delegate its (full) token weight to a single address at a time. Thus, when a contract holds governance tokens in a pool on behalf of disparate token holders, those holders are typically disenfranchised from their governance rights. If a pool contract deploys a DelegationSurrogate for each delegatee, and transfers each depositor's tokens to the appropriate surrogate—or deploys it on their behalf—users can retain their governance rights. The pool contract deploying the surrogates must handle all accounting. The surrogate simply delegates its voting weight and max-approves its deployer to allow tokens to be reclaimed.



constructor(IERC20Delegates _token, address _delegatee);


_tokenIERC20DelegatesThe governance token that will be held by this surrogate
_delegateeaddressThe address of the would-be voter to which this surrogate will delegate its voting weight. 100% of all voting tokens held by this surrogate will be delegated to this address.